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Query Result Sets

When querying a database, the results are returned as an array of objects (ResultSet). Each object (Result) has keys based on the collection names used in the FROM statement of your query. If an alias is used, the key will be the alias name. This allows you to access the properties of the results easily and ensures that the structure of your results matches the query structure.

Example 1. Query Result Sets

const query = database.createQuery('SELECT * FROM inventory.hotel AS hotelItems WHERE city="Medway"');
const resultSet: ResultSet = await query.execute();

for (const result of resultSet) {

In this example, hotelItems is the alias used for the collection in the query, and it serves as the key in the Result objects within the ResultSet.

Example 2. Query Result Sets

const query = database.createQuery('SELECT hotelItems.*, META().id as docId FROM inventory.hotel AS hotelItems WHERE city="Medway"');
const resultSet: ResultSet = await query.execute();

for (const result of resultSet) {

n this example, hotelItems is the alias used for the collection in the query, and it serves as the key in the Result objects within the ResultSet. Each result object also includes a docId, representing the document ID, allowing you to access both the document ID and the hotel item details.

Example 3. Query Result Sets

const query = database.createQuery(`
FROM route
JOIN airline
ON route.airlineid = META(airline).id
WHERE = "France"
const resultSet: ResultSet = await query.execute();

for (const result of resultSet) {
console.log(result['route'].propertyName); // Access properties from the route collection
console.log(result['airline'].propertyName); // Access properties from the airline collection

In this example, route and airline are the collections being queried and joined based on the airlineid. The Result objects within the ResultSet contain keys corresponding to these collection names, allowing you to access properties from both the route and airline collections. The query filters the results to only include airlines from France.